Coaching Series
July 15, 2020

Resources for Creating and Sustaining White Anti-Racist Learning Spaces

Ali Michael

Dear colleagues,

Next year--just like this year--I will offer a four part coaching series for White people who lead White anti-racist learning spaces.  These sessions will be specifically geared towards people who are leading White “affinity groups” and will be structured so as to share strategies for organizing such groups and sharing potential activities.  If, for example, you are running a White affinity group for faculty or students this year, you would get potential activities from this workshop to engage your group, and then you could come back and ask questions about implementation and response.  If you do not run an official “affinity group,” but you are a White person who teaches White students about anti-racism, or you are a White person who would like support/coaching around leading a predominantly White faculty in anti-racism conversations, you might benefit from this as well.  

This course will be experiential and emergent, growing out of the questions of the people who are in it.  In each session, I will present about 30 minutes worth of content, and I will model exercises that could be used to help White people practice skills for anti-racism.  For the remaining hour, I will respond to questions/concerns/resistance posed by White people in your groups who are unsure how to take their next steps.  And we will practice.

Stay tuned.

Here are the links to required reading and resources from these sessions:

Teaching Tolerance Anti-bias Framework

Becoming an Anti-Racist White Ally: How a White Affinity Group Can Help

When Black People are in Pain, White People Join Book Groups

Also posted here you will find the handouts and powerpoints from these sessions.  If you are interested in learning more, please join my mailing list!  I will let the mailing list know when the next series of workshops is happening.  

Supporting Documents from the sessions:

Creating and Sustaining White Anti Racist Learning Spaces

2020 Anti-Racism Resources

Powerpoint from Session 1 - Creating and Sustaining White Anti-Racist Learning Spaces

Building Racial Proficiency for White People

Examples of White Group-Level Behavior

White Racial Identity Development

PowerPoint: Session 2 (Adult) - Creating and Sustaining White Anti-Racist Learning Spaces

PowerPoint: Session 3 (Youth) - Creating and Sustaining Anti-Racist Learning Spaces