Educating for Equity

Ali Michael, Ph. D.


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Our Problem, Our Path: Collective Antiracism for White People

by Ali Michael and Eleonora Bartoli

How White people can help one another (and themselves) find the trailhead and keep walking an antiracist path.  Read more...

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White Fragility (Adapted for Young Adults)

Why Understanding Racism Can Be So Hard for White People.

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Who am I?

A researcher, educator, storyteller and wanna be comedian who spent years asking, “What’s my role as a White person in working against racism?” and now spends time supporting groups to see how every member can play a role in building healthy multiracial community.

How can I help?

What would be helpful?  I do conflict resolution, leadership training, executive coaching, strategic visioning, professional development for educators, board trainings, mediation, program design, retreat facilitation, and experiential learning design. My commitment is to meet you where you are and walk the next few steps with you.  
Here are a few ways we might work together:

How can you reach me?

Follow this link to meet my team, including Judy Osborne, who is an expert in all things event-and workshop-related.  She will set us up to meet once she gets the ball rolling. 

My Work

Though my work is rooted in academia, I focus my efforts on making the research on race and education more accessible to teachers. Most of our academic research is literally tucked away in journals that most teachers can't access without a university library card. Once you get your hands on it, it can be hard to read, either because it is not written with application in mind, or because it's emotionally challenging. My goal is to produce books, articles, speeches, and blogposts that will help the research come alive in a way that educators can access, so that they can begin to transform their classrooms and schools into racially equitable spaces.
Almost all of my work is accessible on this website.  Please read, listen, and share.

Client Testimonials

“Ali is a gifted expert and circle keeper in this space. We hired her to work with our Dismantling White Supremacy caucus, a group that has been around for several years and whose members were not at all new to this work. Ali was able to cause a breakthrough in the Dismantling White Supremacy group and enable the group to dive deeper than ever to further the work of dismantling white supremacy through every aspect of their lives. Her intentional, patient, yet direct approach helped to further our organizational mission of embodying race equity internally, as we continue to advocate for it externally. We look forward to working with Ali again.”

Cecilia Ramirez, Chief of Staff, Equal Justice USA

“Ali Michael is so finely attuned to the true work of schools. Her focus on the genuine questions, thinking and work of teachers is especially valuable and she is a natural, gifted teacher, coach and consultant to all constituencies of a school community. Her partnership with AFS was deeply productive and much appreciated by faculty and administrators in all four divisions of our school.”

Rich Nourie, Head of School - Abington Friends School

Ali Michael is a powerful voice for racial justice. Racism impacts all of us in America -- black, white and brown.  As educators, we cannot ignore our population’s increasing diversity; this diversity impacts classrooms and will impact the workplace. We must be honest and intentional as we address questions of race, equity and inclusion. Our country would be a better place if more Americans reflected on the important questions that Ali raises and grappleswith on a regular basis.  I’m grateful for your partnership, your support and encouragement of accomplished teachers and your leadership on this critical issue of ourtime.

- Peggy Brookins, NBCT  President & CEO National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

''At our first meeting, Ali immediately put us at ease. She did this by modeling her own vulnerability and uncertainty, assuring us that no one has the “right” answers about race, and encouraging us to simply continue talking together…We are grateful for and highly impressed with her professional support, her understanding of and responsiveness to our program’s goals and needs, and her encouragement in our collective endeavor."

– Nicole Gillespie - Knowles Science Teaching Foundation